DIECI is not your traditional marketing agency. We know you have a story to tell past your primary product or service– the “whys” and the “hows” of your business. 

Our approach utilizes in-depth market research to create a bespoke strategy of innovative tactics in the social space that help magnify your brand voice and evolve as your business grows to ensure remarkable outcomes.

We build memorable brands and tailor our unparalleled social media tactics to place your business in front of your dream clientele in impactful ways that help build trust, soar sales, and boost life-long client retention.

The word DIECI (dee-eh-chee) is Italian for ten. It’s represented as “X” in the Roman numeral system. Ten is considered the number of perfection and completion, a symbol of peak potential.

Tens bring new beginnings and hold an energy that is pioneering, assertive, initiating and motivating.

A message from our founder

Hey guys!

I’m Ria, creative director and founder of DIECI. Thank you for taking the time to click around and get to know us. I understand what it’s like to be a visionary and the hesitation that comes with letting go of the reins. Trust is key. 

I take pride in my commitment to elevate your business and treat our partners as if they were my own personal ventures.

We understand an effective online presence does not consist of a singular scroll but rather building trust, (with clients + you) and in turn, true brand loyalty. 

In a world with endless options, consumers are looking to purchase more than just a product or service. People buy from people. They buy from your story— the hardships, the triumphs, and the sighs of relief.

I want to ensure your story is shared authentically to those who come across your brand and to set you apart as one-of-one, long past the scroll.

  • I. Comfort deters from growth

    II. Create partnerships with purpose

    III. Accept failure and reroute

    IIII. People buy from people

    IV. If you find a problem, there is a solution

    V. Trust turns to loyalty

    VII. Ask questions, pause to listen

    VIII. Keep a finger on the pulse

    VIIII. Make things that get you excited

    X. Be inspired but also innovate